We are your destination for custom injection molding, design, tooling, and strategic offshore sourcing. Bring your injection molding project to life today.
Why Advance Plastic Corp?
Customer service at its finest.
We offer the responsiveness and customer service that customers expect but rarely ever find with our competitors. We offer product development assistance, tooling procurement, injection molding and secondary operations such as assembly, decorating and packaging using domestic and offshore solutions depending on the scope of the project.
Whether you have a new product or an existing one, we can take your ideas and mold them into a finished product. We begin with your initial concept, then oversee the tooling phase (either new or existing tooling) and provide you with a mold of high quality and, finally, provide precision and prompt molding production. We offer the critical input, expertise and project management necessary to make your existing or new product an absolute success.
We meet you where you are.
Get in Touch.
Please contact us if we can be of assistance with a current or upcoming project. We look forward to hearing from you.
Every project begins either with a CAD model and/or part samples.